How to change Boot Menu in any Android

If you are rooted:
1. Download a root explorer app (ES File Explorer is suggested and free)
2. Enable root directory (in ES File Explorer hit menu, go to settings, and check "Up to Root", then go farther down and check "Root Explorer". Accept any Superuser requests.
3. Go back to your explorer and navigate to where you downloaded the "" file. Copy (or cut) it.
4. Navigate as far up as you can into your root directory, and then to /data/local/
5. Paste your "" file into /data/local/ (it MUST be named
6. Reboot and enjoy!

Alternatively, you can put it in /system/media, HOWEVER, make sure you back up your stock (rename it to or move it to your sdcard somewhere) in case something goes wrong.

If you are not rooted (or rooted, this method works with both)
**PC only! I'm not sure how to set the Max OSX terminal to accept "adb" commands by default!**

1. Download the newest Android SDK
2. Click the start menu, right click "Computer", and click "Properties"
3. Click "Advanced System Settings" on the left (On Win7)
4. In the advanced tab, click "Environment Variables"
5. In the system variables window, find "Path", select it and click "edit"
6. At the end of the bottom line, paste:
For 64-bit users:
;C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
For 32-bit users:
;C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
7. Click OK.

1. Plug in your device using a USB cable and enable USB Debugging (in the settings menu under development on your device)
2. Click the start menu, and either search for "cmd" or click run, and type "cmd.exe"
3. Navigate to the folder that you downloaded the file to using the following commands:
dir - lists all files in the directory stated
cd - changes directory to the given path. If "cd ..", it will navigate one folder backwards.
4. Use the following commands (your file must be named
adb pull /data/local/ C:\
adb push /data/local
NOTE: Alternatively for part 2 you can type "adb push ", open windows explorer, and drag the file infront of the command which will give you the path without having to type it in or navigate to it.

5. Be patient, when it is done it will say something like "X kb/s (X bytes) in X seconds"
6. You can test to see if you did it correctly by rebooting manually or entering
adb reboot
7. If you no longer want a custom bootanimation, just enter
adb pull /data/local/ C:\
Remember to look in your main HDD directory and delete the file if it in fact did show up there for some reason.

Note: if it STILL does not revert to the stock boot animation after doing this step, type

adb shell

cd /data/local


Ill be posting sevral downloads of boot menu with .zip extension in my nxt post till d tym enjoy d blog !!

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