7 important CMD commands

7 important CMD commands
By: Amandeep singh Chawla
Back in nineteens, we do all of our work on computers with the aid of commands. At that time, there’s not any concept of GUI (graphical user interface). Still in Linux, command line interface is widely being used because its much faster to work in command line rather than of graphical user interface. So now in this post i’m listing the 7 important CMD commands. Let’s get into it.
10 Important CMD Commands
1) CD
cd stands for change directory. This is a very commonly used command to navigate through different directories. The syntax of using this command is given below
c:\cdtrickersworld– > here replace your desired folder name with trickersworld
2) DIR
Dir command is used to list all files in a particular folder. The syntax of using this command is as follows
CLS command is used to clear screen. Mean to say that it will clear all written text in console. The syntax of this command is given below
3) REN
REN command is really handy command which is used to rename the folder. The syntax of using this command is as follows
Drive letter:\REN “Folder/file path to be renamed with extension”  ”new name of the folder with extension”
C:\REN “c:\trickersworld.txt”  ”Computer Tips and Tricks.txt”
4) MD
This command is used to create a new directory or folder in your desires location. The syntax of this command is given below
C:\md “folder name” without quotes
5) IPconfig
This command is used to list all the information related to your NIC (network interface card) i.e, ipaddress , mac address and default gateway etc.
This is another most commonly used command to copy file from one location to another.
C:\ copy “E:\trickersworld.txt” “C:\trickersworld\”
7) move
This command is used to cut/move files in your desired location. The syntax of using this command is given below
C:\move “E:\trickersworld.txt” “D:\trickersworld.txt\”
Above are some of the most important and common CMD commands

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